Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A new Church on the way to Tirupathi TempleHinduism is silently being annihilated Some one asked please oblige

A new Church on the way to Tirupathi TempleHinduism is silently being annihilated Some one asked please oblige by telling us what connection there is between Sonia Gandhi and the Rs. 26,000,000 that has been received from abroad for the conversion of poor and hapless Bhaaratiya Hindus to Christianity by incentives.  Can you also please tell us if there is any fund available in India from the temples or any other philanthropic Sansthas to combat the wholesale conversion to Christianity or even Islam. If not why not?     People who ask such questions seems are either completely ignorant people or live in 18 century as on such topics lot of material is available on websites. It is true that almost 100 % percent media in Bhaarat is anti – Hindu and these media people black out all such news which goes against Hindus. For the rise of Hindus, it is essential first Hindus be informed about the problems of Hinduism The final nail in the coffin of Hindus, Hinduism, Hindu saints and Sadhus and Hindu-Bhaarat.         According to Ministry of Home affairs, G.O.I., New Delhi, India the foreign donations to Christian organisations in India for the year 2005-6 was $226,000,000 by the Christian organisations of Christian countries. This money is for the conversion of Hindus to Christianity by opening new churches, bibles schools, monitory bribes, food, clothes, black mailings, lies, and ultimately converting Hindus to Christianity. Further to this there are five Christian Chief Ministers in various Bhaaratiya states and most evil is from Andhra Pradesh. He has started giving Rupees 20000/- to any Christian WHO WISH TO GO TO BETHLEHAM/VATICAN AND AS A RESULT MAXIMUM CONVERSION HAS TAKEN PLACE IN Andhra Pradesh. This is all due to Sonia Maino Gandhi who is catholic fundamental Christian in Saree and red mark on forehead fooling Hindus and her son and daughter doing the same. This conversion of Hindus on massive scale is the latest danger for which Hindu leaders and Hindus must discuss and come to a conclusion for direct action. This is to weaken Hindu India and it will lead to a situation far worse than what we have seen in Kashmir Yugoslavia Cambodia Vietnam and presently in Zimbabwe. This is not a prediction but a reality on the ground. Sonia is a Roman Catholic fundamentalist, looter white Euro-Italian WOMEN ruling over Indians through impotent, opportunists and engaged in converting Hindus to Christianity with foreign missionaries and Christian Chief Minister like Samuel in Andhra Pradesh. This white Euro -Italian white women in Saree and red mark on forehead is a green snake in the in the green grass, attending Hindu temples, recently she been to Shirdi Sai to fool Hindus.  Her key advisers are Christians and others are old geriatrics who are   seen giving press releases. $226,000,000 have been sent in year 2005-6 from most of the Christian countries to Bhaarat. This amount has been increasing every year for the last 250 years,
 but it has increased dramatically in the last 50 years and more so in the last 10 years. This money is for conversion of Hindus to Christianity in India according to Hinduism .We have talked enough now time has come to take decisive action for Hindus to dominate to rule and rule to dominate at local, regional and national level otherwise Hindus have no tomorrow because we are being strangulated by secularists on the name of evil secularism in India.

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